Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Plan

Hello, my name is Stacey, and I have been looking for an accounting career since I relocated to Miami in August. Other than a few temp jobs, I have had no luck, which I think is partially due to ineffective job searching. I have heard blogging can be a powerful job search tool, so why not give it a go? Tomorrow is a New Year, so it's the perfect time for a new plan.

Here is a little about me:

  • I have passed all sections of the CPA exam, but won't become an actual CPA until the proper work requirements are met.
  • I have a Master of Accounting degree and a BSM in General Business from Tulane University
  • I spent one semester at Duke University due to Hurricane Katrina
  • I know French pretty well, and I am learning Spanish, which is essential in Miami
  • I am originally from Charleston, SC, but no one believes I'm Southern because I have no accent. My dad grew up in Charleston and my mom is from Texas. I am about as Southern as they come.
  • I am quirky and awesome with puns

Today I am sending out a few cold-networking emails through Linkedin. I get nervous sending stuff like this out, but it is much easier than cold-calls, which scare the crap out of me. At least with the emails I can edit what I say before it is sent. The cold-call is something that I have to master for sure, so stay tuned because I am sure there will be some wonderfully awkward (and hopefully some successful) stories to come!

Usually I would not be doing any work on New Year's Eve, but I start a temp job on Tuesday, and my search time will be drastically cut. Having a temp job while job searching is a Catch 22: on one hand you get the much needed income. On the other hand you get very little time to job search and the time you do get is not during normal business hours, so you can't get in touch with any of the companies you are targeting.

I am going to do a bit more work today, then it is time to pick up a friend and commence the New Years celebration! Hopefully I will have some responses to my emails from today to write about soon! Happy New Year everyone!

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